Individual was caught for attempting to sell land for 1.2 billion soums illegally in Khorezm



Joint operations by the DIA Rapid Search Service employees of Samarkand and Khorezm regions led to the arrest of individuals involved in the illegal sale of land resources, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On June 21, the rapid search service of the DIA in the Samarkand region, collaborating with the regional prosecutor's office and regional department employees, conducted a swift operation in the Samarkand district. A 1997-born individual was apprehended for attempting to sell 1 hectare of leased land, contracted for 10 years to the Zarafshan highway system administration, for 37,000 US dollars from a 1988-born citizen. He had deceitfully accepted a 10,000 US dollar advance payment and was caught with incriminating evidence.

The investigation revealed that he had purchased this land in April 2023 from a resident of Samarkand district, born in 1980, for 20,000 US dollars.

Additionally, in a rapid operation in Koshkopir district by the DIA of Khorezm region, a 1974-born resident of Qoshkopir district was caught selling 50 acres of land in the "Yovgir" neighborhood for 1 billion 270 million soums to a 1992-born citizen.

Criminal cases have been initiated, and investigations are ongoing.

Previously, the Chairman of the Council of Farmers, Peasants, and Homestead Land Owners of Boston District in Andijan Province was found guilty of changing 10 hectares of livestock farming land under his name to land designated for exportable products. He had issued a decision for the placement of cultivated areas and demanded 20,000 US dollars from an entrepreneur wanting to grow cabbage, allowing usage for 3 years. He was caught upon receiving a 10,000 US dollar advance payment.


Xorazm Samarqand er

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