Yurt of Karakalpak was included in the Guinness Book of Records



The national black house of the Karakalpak people, which boasts the largest diameter in the world, was constructed within the "Ak Kush" complex located in the city of Nukus. This remarkable structure has now been recognized and included in the Guinness Book of Records, as reported by the Tourism Committee.

The diameter of this structure measures 40.5 meters.

On August 22, a formal ceremony was held at the "Ak Kush" complex to present the Guinness Book of Records certificate. The event was attended by Tursinkhan Khudaybergenov, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Amanbay Orinbaev, Chairman of the Dzhokorgi Council of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as heads of state agencies, local youth, and media representatives.

It is noteworthy that earlier this year, Fatima Hasanova from Uzbekistan, a blogger based in the UAE, became the first Uzbek to be included in the 2024 Guinness list. She achieved this by bringing together representatives of 75 nationalities in a single scene.


Nukus Ginnes rekordlar kitobi Qoraqalpoq o'tovi

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