In Kyrgyzstan, a proposal was made to ban the import of vegetables and fruits from Uzbekistan



On June 24, Balbak Tuloboyev, a deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic representing the "Yiman Nuru" political party, proposed a ban on importing vegetables and fruits from Uzbekistan. He made this announcement during a meeting of the Committee on Agrarian Policy, Water Resources, Ecology, and Regional Development.

The deputy suggested extending the ban to include imports from both Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, covering vegetables, fruits, and berries. He argued that this measure is necessary to support local farmers in bringing their products to the market.

"Why should we enrich others and buy their products while neglecting our own? We want to consume local vegetables, fruits, and berries, not just export them," Tuloboyev stated. 

He also mentioned that farmers in the Osh region are struggling because the price of tomatoes has dropped and their products are not being purchased, as watermelons, apples, and vegetables from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan flood the market.

In response, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Kubat Kuseyinov confirmed that the issue will be reviewed.


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