Approximately 2 tons! The amount of drugs seized in Uzbekistan in 2021 is disclosed



In 2021 1 ton 864.4 kg of drugs were seized in Uzbekistan.  The head of the National Information and Analytical Centre for Drug Control under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan reported about this at a press conference today 27 June, prior to the burning ceremony of drugs.

According to data from the National Information and Analytical Centre for the Control of Drug Trafficking under the Cabinet of Ministers, based on the results of work carried out by law enforcement agencies in 2021 in connection with illicit drug trafficking, 7,142 (6,032 in 2020) cases of crime were exposed.

Of these, 2,165 (1,814) were involved in drug trafficking, 441 (304) in smuggling, 1,571 (1,521) in the cultivation of narcotic plants, and 53 (49) in the establishment of the houses of drug addicts, and the remaining 2,912 (2,344) in other drug-related offenses.

In 2021, a total of 1 ton 864.4 kg (1 t. 542.6 kg) of of illicit drugs were seized in the country. Among them, by type:
• heroin - 102.96 (28.3) kg;
• opium - 342.7 (124.1) kg;
• hashish - 511.1 (223.9) kg;
• marijuana - 790.9 (692.8) kg;
• poppy - 77.9 (323.9) kg, cocaine - 15.2 (279.4) g;
• hashish oil - 0.002 (127.3) kg;
• synthetic drugs - 8.97 (1.53) kg;
• other drugs (MDMA, amphetamine, mephedrone, LSD (lezergic acid) and other drugs) - 8.1 (0.4) kg;
• Drugs containing narcotic substances - 21.7 (19.96) kg.

In addition, 3977 (3824) gr and 4316 (7815) units of psychotropic tablets, 71 kg 250 g and 15 l (10 g) precursors, 765 (433) cases of illicit trafficking in psychoactive substances were revealed and more than 472 (541) thousand drugs and psychoactive substances were seized.


giyohvand modda

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