Father who did not pay alimony was arrested in Fergana



A father in Fergana, who had avoided paying child support for a decade, was apprehended. This information was disclosed by the Fergana Region Department of the Bureau of Mandatory Enforcement.

The report indicates that an executive document from the Fergana City Department of the Enforcement Bureau mandated A.T., a Fergana resident, to pay alimony for the support of his two children, following a court order from the Fergana Inter-District Court on Civil Affairs issued in May 2018.

Because the father was evading alimony payments as required by this executive document, a search warrant was issued for him in January 2022.

A swift investigation revealed that the debtor had left for Russia in February 2014.

In June 2024, the father, having returned from Russia, was located in Fergana and handed over to the state bailiff.

The report states, “Under Article 47-4 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility, which deals with the evasion of providing material support to minors or incapacitated persons, legal action is being taken against the debtor.”

It is worth noting that previously, a citizen's Kia was confiscated for failing to pay fines and alimony.


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