Electricity meters did not charge consumers for excess kilowatts — Ministry of Energy



Social media reports claimed that electricity meters in Uzbekistan were overcharging consumers for excess kilowatt usage. The Ministry of Energy addressed these concerns.

The Ministry emphasized that these claims are entirely false.

The Ministry's report stated, "Each social media claim regarding overcharging by electricity meters is individually investigated by the Ministry of Energy and related organizations, with the participation of the complainants. Our investigations have not found any evidence of overcharging."

The Ministry urged social network administrators to avoid spreading unverified information that might alarm the public, noting that there are legal consequences for disseminating such false messages.

Previously, the Ministry of Energy reported that 71% of Uzbekistan's population consumed up to 200 kW of electricity in June. They assured us that there is no justification for raising the monthly base rate for consumption up to 200 kWh in the near future.


elektr Energetika vazirligi O'zbekiston

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