A man from Bukhara killed his wife



A 36-year-old man killed a woman he was dating in the Kashkadarya region. This was announced on the “Bir jinoyat izidan” show.

On February 28 of this year, the sister of the deceased, 35-year-old S.M., who lives in the village of Mirishkor, Guzor district of the region, informed the DIA about her sister's murder.

The employees who arrived at the scene removed the body of the deceased from a 2.5-meter-deep well in the apartment where she lived.

It was discovered that the deceased, S.M., had been dating a 36-year-old man living in the Jondor district of the Bukhara region. The woman had appeared on the "Yor-yor" program of the "ZorTV" TV channel, where she met the man from Bukhara in December 2021.

After that, the man and S.M. met at his sister's house. However, when there was no indication of a wedding, a quarrel broke out between them. The man, identified as S.E., injured the woman and rendered her unconscious. He then threw her into a well in the yard.

In connection with this incident, a criminal case was initiated under Article 97, Part 1 of the Criminal Code, and the man was sentenced.

The man was sentenced to 13 years in prison by the verdict of the Guzor district court on criminal cases.


qotillik Qashqadaryo Yor-yor ko'rsatuvi

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