State purchases worth 3.1 billion sums were found in violation of the law



Between August and September 2024, violations of the law were detected in 11 state procurements conducted by various administrations, organizations, and enterprises, according to the Anti-Corruption Agency's press service.

The agency reported that state customers carried out unlawful practices in 11 state purchases totaling 3.1 billion sums during this period.

Specifically, conflicts of interest were identified in the following public procurements:

- 673 million sums by the Narpay District Medical Association;
- 343 million sums by the Shumanay District Road Use State Institution;
- 215 million sums by the Pre-school and School Education Department of Kattakurgan District;
- 193 million sums by the Altinsoy District Administration;
- 115 million sums by Vocational School No. 2 of Kumkurgan District;
- 56 million sums by the Academic Lyceum under the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute.

These procurements violated Articles 10, 14, 20, and 46 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On State Procurement" and several requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 276 on the "Organization and Implementation of Procedures Related to State Procurement."

Additionally, mutually affiliated individuals were allowed to participate in a state procurement worth 1.5 billion sums, ordered by the state institution "Kamchikavtoyol Specialized Road Use Enterprise." This violated Articles 10, 14, 20, 23, 42, and 46 of the same law.

Following the agency's recommendations, the procurement commission’s reports on determining the winners were nullified, and the unlawful transfer of these public procurements was prevented. The documents gathered during the investigation were also forwarded to law enforcement agencies for further legal action.

It is worth noting that earlier, it was reported that state purchases exceeding 10 billion sums were prevented from being carried out in violation of the law.


davlat xaridlari Korruptsiyaga qarshi kurashish agentligi

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