Starting from August 1, a new billing system will be used for calculating electricity
11 July 2024
72064Starting on August 1, a new system for calculating electricity bills will be implemented. Alvar Gaybullayev, the first deputy chairman of the board of "Regional Electric Networks," made this announcement during a press tour on July 11.
He explained that the new system will allow consumers to monitor their daily electricity usage and submit complaints if issues arise. A mobile app will also be introduced alongside this system.
"A modern billing system was necessary. At the end of 2022, we developed the technical requirements for this new system, which will be rolled out nationwide starting August 1. The new system will record consumer complaints and suggestions, enabling us to perform monitoring work. Overall, the billing process will be different," said the first deputy chairman of the board of JSC "Territorial Electric Networks."
Gaybullayev mentioned that the system is currently being tested in the Yakkasaroy district of Tashkent city.
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17 January