Deputy Mayor,the Department of Internal Affairs personnel, and National Guard officers have been apprehended for accepting bribes



In Uzbekistan's Fergana, Jizzakh, and Samarkand regions, individuals including assistant governors, DIA members, National Guard officers, and employees of the Electric Networks Enterprise were caught accepting bribes, as reported by the State Security Service.

In the Rishton district of the Fergana region, a department head at an electric network enterprise demanded $10,000 to reduce a potential 2 billion soums fine for an illegal connection to a pottery workshop. He was caught receiving $6,600 during a swift operation conducted by the State Security Service in collaboration with the Regional Internal Affairs Department.

Similarly, in Margilon city, the assistant mayor of the "Nadirmat" community was caught accepting money while facilitating a citizen's business endeavor involving a land acquisition through the "E-auction" platform in the Qirguli district of Fergana city.

In the Jizzakh region, the head of the Temporary Detention Center of the Sharof Rashidov District was apprehended for soliciting $10,000 to influence a non-custodial sentence for an individual detained in the center. He was caught receiving $5,000 during a coordinated operation by the State Security Service.

Furthermore, it was uncovered during the pre-investigation inquiry that this official had abused his position to extort $400 from the family members of the detained citizen for permission to bring food to the detainee.

An employee of the Ishtikhon inter-district security department in the Samarkand region of the National Guard was caught receiving $5,000 for influencing a criminal case against a local citizen through his connections.

Criminal cases have been initiated against all involved individuals under relevant articles of the Criminal Code, with investigations ongoing. It's worth noting that previously in Samarkand, an employee of the Emergency Situations Department was arrested for soliciting $600 to avoid administrative penalties.


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