A Prosecutor’s officer and a Legal Consultant of the Hokimiya were Arrested in Jizzakh



In Jizzakh, a district prosecutor of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office was arrested while receiving 1300 US dollars from a businessman.  In addition, a legal consultant from one of the district administrations in the region was caught while receiving 3 thousand US dollars from the head of the farm.  This was reported by the State Security Service.

It was reported that an entrepreneur living in the city of Jizzakh received a preferential loan in the amount of 200 million soms from the bank in 2020, in order to engage in animal husbandry, and with this money, he bought cattle and started a family business.

However, in February of this year, the bank who issued the loan appealed to the Regional Prosecutor's office to take action against the businessman who had been spending loan funds, but not on the original intended purpose.  

In turn, this appeal was sent to the Jizzakh city Prosecutor’s Office for investigation and legal decision, and a supervisor was assigned to the district prosecutor of the Regional Prosecutor’s office.  However, the Jizzakh City Prosecutor’s Office, which had investigated the appeal, refused to open a criminal case.

Following this, some State Security Service officers caught the district prosecutor of the Regional Prosecutors Office with physical evidence when he claimed that he himself had refused to initiate a criminal case against the businessman and had received 1300 US dollars from him in exchange for his service.

Currently, a criminal case has been initiated against this person under Articles 25, 168 and 28, 211 of the Criminal Code, and preventive measures in the form of imprisonment have been applied.

In addition, a jurisconsult, of one of the district hokims in Jizzakh region, used his official position while being fully aware that it was outside his authority, to demand $5,000 in exchange for his help to solve a problem that had arisen regarding the management of a farm specializing in livestock and fishing.  He used his acquaintances to obtain a positive outcome that favored the head of this farm.  The State Security Service officers caught the man who had received $3,000 US dollars in advance. 

It is noted that he was convicted and prosecuted under Article 210 of the Criminal Code.  Currently, a criminal case has been initiated against this person under Articles 25, 168 and 28, 211 of the Criminal Code.



pora Jizzax prokuratura xodimi hokimlik yuriskonsul'ti

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