Kindergarten students in Jizzakh got food poisoning



Two kindergarten students in the Jizzakh region were hospitalized due to food poisoning, according to the Children's Ombudsman.

On August 2 of this year, the parents of 4-year-old I.F. and 5-year-old S.T., both girls enrolled in a preschool educational institution in the Pakhtakor district, sought medical attention for their children after noticing an increase in body temperature. The children were admitted to the infectious diseases department on suspicion of food poisoning.

Following this incident, the remaining 14 children in the same non-governmental educational institution were also taken to the infectious diseases department of the district medical association for observation. After necessary procedures were conducted and no health complaints were found, the children were sent home.

During the epidemiological investigation, samples were taken from the food products served to the children at breakfast.

"Currently, the Pakhtakor district prosecutor's office is investigating the incident. Based on the results of the appointed expertise, the prosecutor's office will make a legal decision," the report stated.

We also remind you that earlier in the Syrdarya region, a 2-year-old kindergarten pupil tragically died after getting food stuck in his throat.


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