Japan imposes sanctions on companies in Uzbekistan



Japan has imposed sanctions on companies in Uzbekistan and several other countries for circumventing sanctions against Russia. Yoshimasa Hayashi, the Chief Secretary of the Japanese Government, made this announcement during a press conference in Tokyo.

"Regarding sanctions, our country considers it important to take a firm stance against attempts to avoid or circumvent sanctions against Russia. We have announced that we are considering a package that includes sanctions against Chinese and Indian companies. These sanctions are targeted not at specific countries, but at all companies trying to evade sanctions," said Hayashi.

In addition to Uzbekistan, China, and India, this package of sanctions also targets specific companies in the UAE and Kazakhstan.

It is noteworthy that on June 12, the United States introduced new sanctions against Russia. This latest tranche included sanctions against the Moscow Stock Exchange, the National Clearing Center, and the National Settlement Depository, along with about 300 other companies and organizations.



sanktsiya Yaponiya Yosimasa Xayashi

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