Otabekov gave an interview on television. Is the situation with the coronavirus serious?
24 November 2022
20155The number of patients suffering from coronavirus is increasing in Uzbekistan. In the last 7 days, 482 patients were diagnosed in the country. Gurmat Otabekov, deputy head of the sanitary-epidemiological peace and public health service, gave information about this at a briefing held at the Information and Mass Communications Agency.
"According to the opinion of the World Health Organization, the situation can be assessed as stable when the level at which the disease is spreading is "1". Now the level of spread of the disease in Uzbekistan is "2". During the last 7 days, 482 patients were identified and hospitalized. 358 patients were discharged from the hospital," says Otabekov.
He informed that 2310 people were quarantined and 1306 people were released from quarantine.
At the moment, more than 500 patients are receiving treatment in hospitals specializing in the treatment of coronavirus in the country.
Continuing his speech, Nurmat Otabekov clarified which type of coronavirus is spreading in Uzbekistan.
"The study of the genome of the virus showed that a stealth-micron strain of omicron, i.e., BA 5, is now spreading in Uzbekistan. Currently, only the omicron strain can be seen in the world community. Our studies also show that 100 percent is the same strain," he says.
More than 11 percent of the sick are children under 14 years old, about 12 percent are over 60 years old, and 55 percent are from 20 to 50 years old.
From 15 March 2020, to 23 November 2020, when the first patient with the coronavirus was recorded in Uzbekistan, the number of people infected with the coronavirus was 245,665, of which 243,234 (99.1%) recovered, 1,637 (0.6%) died.