New bus routes connecting Uzbekistan to Russia, China, and neighboring countries



A new bus service is set to be introduced from various regions of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and China, according to the Ministry of Transport.

The initiative aims to increase the share of bus services in international transportation and enhance the overall passenger transport sector.

The new services will operate on the following international routes:

To Kazakhstan:
- Bukhara - Turkestan
- Urgench - Aktau
- Fergana - Almaty (via Tajikistan)

To Tajikistan:
- Samarkand - Dushanbe
- Bukhara - Dushanbe

To Kyrgyzstan:
- Andijan - Osh
- Andijan - Jalalabad
- Andijan - Arslanbob
- Kosonsoy - Jalalabad
- Bukhara - Bishkek

To Russia:
- Surkhandarya - Bukhara - Urgench - Nukus - Moscow
- Urgench - Nukus - Ufa
- Nukus - Krasnodar
- Tashkent - Ufa
- Tashkent - Krasnodar

To China:
- Nukus - Urgench - Bukhara - Urumqi

Carriers interested in operating regular international bus services can apply to the Ministry of Transport. They are encouraged to collaborate with foreign carriers on a parity basis for the routes listed above.

Additionally, carriers wishing to propose new regular international bus routes can submit their proposals to the Ministry, with a focus on working with foreign carriers on a parity basis.

It is worth noting that this announcement follows the trilateral meeting of the Prime Ministers of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.





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