How many people per year commit crimes in Uzbekistan?
18 April 2023
5820In 2022, there were 56,542 persons were held criminally liable by the court in Uzbekistan. Of these, 14,081 were sentenced to imprisonment. Aziz Obidov, press secretary of the Supreme Court, gave information about this at a briefing held at the Information and Mass Communications Agency.
According to reports, 13,907 people were convicted in the last three months of this year. 3,707 of them were sentenced to imprisonment.
Obidov said that restriction of liberty will be imposed for a period of one to five years. If the convict deliberately evades serving the sentence of restriction of liberty or fails to fulfill the obligations imposed on him by the court, the court may replace the unexpired term of the sentence of restriction of liberty with another type of punishment.
This punishment is not imposed on military personnel, foreign citizens and persons who do not have a permanent place of residence in Uzbekistan.
It should be noted that the “World Population Review” research portal published a report on the countries with the highest level of crime. In this report Uzbekistan was among the countries where there is a relatively low level of crimes committed. Among citizens of Uzbekistan, 33.42 out of every 100,000 people commit crimes.