“Social card” to be introduced in Uzbekistan



Starting from October 1 of this year, all social assistance to the population will be administered through a "social card." This announcement was made today, February 20, during a meeting of video selectors chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, discussing priority tasks for further expanding coverage of services in the field of social protection.

It is noted that funds from "Generosity and Support," "Women," and "Youth" programs, as well as later, 74 types of social allowances and assistance, will be gradually transitioned to this system. Additionally, benefits in the transportation and utility sectors can be accessed through this card.

Furthermore, during the meeting, instructions were given to establish the provision of social services in the form of mobile and day trips in "Muruvat" houses and social support centers.

It was reported that starting from next year, multidisciplinary social service centers for the rehabilitation, training, and support of caregivers of persons with disabilities will be launched in 40 districts.

Moreover, it was emphasized that creating necessary conditions for the 660,000 residents who are currently receiving pensions but wish to work and earn income will contribute to improving their social and material well-being.


Shavkat Mirziyoev O'zbekiston ijtimoiy soha ijtimoiy karta

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