Sanitary control was strengthened at Uzbekistan's borders too (video)



Uzbekistan is intensifying measures to prepare for the possible arrival of monkeypox (M-Pox). This was announced by Rustamjon Ikramov, head of the Sanitary-Epidemiological Peace and Public Health Committee, during a briefing at IMCA today, August 19.

It has been observed that the monkeypox virus has emerged as a global health risk in recent months, with a significant increase in cases reported in Africa, Europe, and both South and North America.

In light of this, the following preparatory measures have been implemented in anticipation of the potential arrival of the disease in Uzbekistan:

  • Treatment facilities and essential medical supplies have been organized for admission to hospitals specializing in infectious diseases;
  • Medical observation of individuals who have had contact with infected patients is being arranged for 21 days;
  • Vigilance among experts at sanitary control points at international airports, railway stations, and road crossings has been heightened to prevent the introduction and spread of the disease from abroad;
  • The qualifications of specialists have been enhanced based on a methodological guide covering the etiology, clinical features, epidemiology, and prevention of the monkeypox virus;
  • Additionally, a diagnostic reserve is being established for the laboratory diagnosis of the disease.

It should be noted that Kazakhstan had earlier strengthened control measures at its borders and airports due to concerns about the spread of the monkeypox virus.


chegara sanitariya

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