Damas catches fire while driving in Tashkent



A Damas car caught fire while driving in the Zangiota district of the Tashkent region, resulting in the vehicle being destroyed. The Regional Road Traffic Safety Department provided information on the incident.

It was reported that on August 26, at 3:30 p.m., a fire broke out in the passenger compartment of the Damas vehicle, driven by U.M., born in 1990, under the bridge of the Nazarbek railway station in the "Kirguzar" neighborhood.

As a result of the fire, the car was completely burned. The driver managed to escape from the vehicle. Fortunately, there were no passengers in the car at the time.

No injuries were reported as a result of this fire.

The Fire Safety Department of the Zangiota District Emergency Management Department is currently investigating the cause of the incident.

It should be noted that earlier, a Nexia caught fire in Tashkent, as did an Equinox while driving on the Whip Pass.


Toshkent Zangiota Damas

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