Man wearing a hijab was arrested in Tashkent



On July 23, a man dressed in women's clothing and with his face covered was found on the road to the Qoyliq farmer's market in Tashkent. Today, on July 24, this case was reviewed by the Bektemir District Court on criminal cases, and the man was sentenced to seven days of administrative detention and fined 3.4 million soums. Zokirjon Qoziboyev, press secretary of the Tashkent City Courts, informed QALAMPIR.UZ about this incident.

In his testimony at the court session, the offender stated that he was walking around the Qoyliq Farmer's Market in Bektemir District wearing a burqa and with his face covered by a mask. When officers from the Interior Affairs Department stopped him and asked him to uncover his face, he initially resisted but eventually complied by uncovering his face near a fence. He expressed regret for his actions, promised that such an incident would not occur again, and requested a lighter sentence.

The man's guilt was fully established through documents, references, explanatory letters, photographs, and other evidence collected in the administrative case.

According to the court's decision, the offender was found guilty under Article 184-4 and Article 195 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan and was sentenced to a fine of 3.4 million soums and seven days of administrative detention.

We remind you that previously, a man dressed in women's clothing in Tashkent's Chorsu market was fined 110 times the BCA (3.4 million soums) and sentenced to 15 days of administrative detention.


Toshkent erkak hijob Qo'yliq

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