Entrepreneurs are forced to install solar panels. This is Uzbekistan!



As you know, on August 31 of this year, QALAMPIR.UZ published an article entitled "Entrepreneurs in Almazor May Be Without Power, and So Can QALAMPIR.UZ." In it, a letter was sent to all business entities in Tashkent on behalf of the heads of regional power grid enterprises, requiring them to switch to green alternative energy sources (solar panels, compensation equipment) for electricity use within 10 working days. The letter stated that the electricity would be cut off without prior notice if these measures were not taken.

A week after the publication of this message, on September 7, JSC "Territorial Electric Networks" announced that entrepreneurs were not being forced to install solar panels or compensation equipment. However, it seems that the management of JSC "Territorial Electric Networks" is unaware of the actual situation regarding electricity in the country. Although JSC attempts to deny and conceal the truth, the reality is evident in subsequent letters sent by district electric network enterprises.

The fact is that on September 6 of this year - just one day before JSC "Territorial Electric Networks" stated that entrepreneurs were not being forced to install green alternative energy systems - a warning letter was sent. This time, not only the district electric network enterprise but also the gas supply company "Olmazortumangaz" was involved. The content of the letter is as follows:

"In line with the measures to accelerate the introduction of renewable energy sources and energy-saving technologies in 2023, as per the Presidential Decree No. PQ-222 dated February 16, 2023, and the related instructions, we inform you that it is necessary to switch to sustainable green alternative energy sources (solar panels, collectors, modern gas burners, compensation equipment) for electricity use at your business facility within 10 working days from the date of receipt of this notice."

The warning letter also stated that if entrepreneurs failed to comply within 10 working days, their electricity and natural gas supply would be cut off without further notice. The letter was signed by R. Mirsultonov, head of the Almazor district electric network enterprise, and F. Kochkarov (whose position was not specified) on behalf of the Almazortumangaz gas supply enterprise. The authenticity of the warning letter was confirmed by a seal.

According to information obtained by QALAMPIR.UZ, such warning letters are being sent to business entities not only in the Almazor district and Tashkent but throughout the republic. Sources familiar with the situation suggest that the prosecutor's office may be involved in the matter.

An industry representative, who spoke to the journalist on condition of anonymity, stated that no one has the right to force people to install solar panels. However, if entrepreneurs do not install solar panels, employees will be compelled to disconnect the enterprise from the power grid due to orders from higher authorities.

From the statement by JSC "Territorial Electric Networks," it is evident that the situation has escalated to the point where the company is either unaware of the warning letters being sent by district electric network companies to entrepreneurs as a form of pressure or has already lost control of the situation.


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