Sufficient conditions were not created in the detention center in Surkhandarya - Ombudsman



The Ombudsman of Uzbekistan has reported that the temporary detention center in Sherabad district, Surkhandarya region, lacks adequate conditions for detainees.

On September 10, a regional representative of the Ombudsman conducted a monitoring visit to the detention center under the Internal Affairs Department of Sherabad district. During the visit, various aspects of the facility were assessed, including the beds, washrooms, kitchen, medical department, and meeting rooms for consultations with lawyers. Interviews were also conducted with detainees to gather their opinions on the conditions.

According to the "Rules of Internal Procedure of Temporary Detention Centers of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan," facilities should include single or double beds, tables and chairs, food storage equipment, clothing hangers, radios, trash cans, ventilation systems, and sanitary facilities such as floor-mounted toilets and wash basins.

However, the monitoring revealed that the detention center’s cells lacked radio equipment, food storage facilities, seating, clothing hangers, and proper ventilation. Prisoners also reported that bed linens were only changed on the day of the visit. Additionally, the washrooms did not meet sanitary standards, and the recreational area required repairs.

The Ombudsman has issued recommendations to address these deficiencies, which will be forwarded to relevant ministries and agencies for action.

Previously, similar concerns were raised about detention conditions in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, where minors were held with adult prisoners.


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