More than 1 billion sums of damage were caused  in Samarkand



It became known that more than 1 billion sums of damage was caused to nature in the "Amonkuton" national nature park in the Urgut district of the Samarkand region. This was reported by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change.

It is noted that earlier on August 2-3, it was reported that several unknown persons illegally entered the "Amonkuton" National Nature Park through the children's recreation center and carried out excavation work using special equipment.

When the situation was investigated by the operational working group of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection, and Climate Change, it was found that leveling and digging works were carried out by the violators in the territory of the park with the help of equipment and 869 belonging to the "Amonkuton" National Nature Park. it became known that a connecting road with "Takhti Karacha" pass was created on a square meter area. As a result, a total of 64 trees and bushes of 7 types on the road were damaged, of which 27 trees and bushes were cut or uprooted, and the remaining 37 trees and bushes were damaged to the extent that they did not stop growing. 67 million 726 thousand sums were damaged to the flora.

In addition, 2 thousand 591 plants of 12 types of rare, declining, and unique species included in the Red Book were discovered on a total area of ​​2296 square meters of land as a result of road construction works in the area, and 1 billion 48 million sous were returned to nature. damaged in the amount of m.

"In general, the amount of damage to nature is 1 billion 115 million sums. "The documents collected in connection with the case have been sent to the General Prosecutor's Office in order to take appropriate measures," the report said.

We remind you that earlier in Khorezm region, a citizen who cut down 4 trees was fined more than 27 million sums.


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