Sentence was reduced for a man who raped a 12-year-old girl in Samarkand



The sentence for a man convicted of a crime against a 12-year-old girl in Samarkand has been reduced. The Children's Ombudsman reported this.

A man named A.R. was initially sentenced by the Samarkand City Court for Criminal Cases to 19 years of imprisonment: 7 years for kidnapping under Article 137, Part 2, Paragraph "a," and 12 years for rape under Article 119, Part 4 of the Criminal Code. He was to serve the sentence in a general-regime colony.

However, upon appeal by the defendant, the regional court's criminal trial panel reduced A.R.'s sentence to 15 years. The panel considered the initial sentence imposed by the court of first instance to be too severe and opted for a lighter punishment within the sanction of Article 119, Part 4.

The Children's Ombudsman, viewing this reduction as contrary to the child's interests, requested the General Prosecutor's Office to file an appeal against the decision. As a result, on August 3 of this year, the unjustified reduction of the sentence was addressed, and the case was reviewed under Article 119, Part 4 of the Criminal Code.

Earlier, it was reported that a criminal case had been initiated in the Kashkadarya region against a person accused of sexually molesting a minor girl.


sud Samarqand shahri jinsiy jinoyat

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