Uzbek who beheaded a deputy was imprisoned for one and a half months in Russia



Earlier, it was reported that a group of immigrants beat State Duma deputy Mikhail Matveyev in the Russian city of Samara, and an Uzbek youth was arrested among the participants in the fight. A precautionary measure of 1 month and 29 days of imprisonment was imposed on the Uzbek citizen who committed this offense, as reported by the "GTRK SAMARA" Telegram channel.

According to the information, a deputy of the State Duma was driving a car in Samara when he saw a fight between young men from the window. He got out of the car and tried to stop the fight. As a result, the deputy was seriously injured, including a head injury. According to the deputy, he was attacked with a baton.

One of the arrested persons was identified as M.M., a citizen of Uzbekistan, born in 2004. A trial was conducted in connection with this case, and a preventive measure of imprisonment for 1 month and 29 days was established. However, during the trial, M.M. stated that he was not involved in the incident.


Rossiya o'zbekistonlik deputat qamaldi

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