President criticizes governors for neglecting sports potential  



It was noted that the governors do not feel responsible at all for the fact that the existing potential in the sports sector in Uzbekistan is not being fully utilized. This was announced today, February 13, in a video conference chaired by the President, dedicated to strengthening preparations for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games and bringing mass sports to a new level.  

The governors reportedly do not recognize the heads of regional branches of sports federations, do not accept athletes and trainers, and only learn about achievements after the athletes perform well in international competitions.  

For example, last year, athletes won 58 medals at the world championships in Olympic sports. However, athletes from Navoi, Surkhandarya, and Kashkadarya did not win a single medal at these championships.  

It was highlighted that Navoi and Karakalpakstan obtained the fewest licenses for the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games.  

To address this, it was emphasized that approaches must change now, and a completely new system should be created for preparing young people for sports, especially Olympic sports, selecting them, and encouraging talented athletes and coaches.  

Establishing justice in sports, bringing benefits to athletes and coaches, and digitizing the industry will be the main criteria for evaluating the activities of officials, heads of sports federations, and governors.  


Prezident Navoiy Surxondaryo Qashqadaryo Qoraqalpog'iston

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