Mirziyoyev has appointed Shuhratali Imomov as the head of the tax department of Namangan region



The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has appointed Shuhratali Toyirovich Imomov as the head of the tax department of Namangan region, according to the press service of the Tax Committee.

Shuhratali Imomov previously served as the head of the tax department in Kashkadarya region and holds the title of Tax Service Adviser II.

Born in Tashkent in 1977, Shuhratali Imomov holds a degree from Tashkent State University of Economics, graduating in 2005.

In related news, Sirojiddin Eshmatov, who has been leading the tax department of Samarkand region since 2023, has been appointed as the head of the tax department of Kashkadarya region. Consequently, Elyor Tolliyev has been appointed as the new head of the tax department of Samarkand region.


Namangan Shuxratali Imomov

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