It is said that a 68-year-old man from Namangan molested another 7-year-old girl



Earlier in Namangan, it was reported that a 68-year-old man made a shameless and perverted act on a 7-year-old girl. Sadly, this man is said to have molested another 7-year-old girl. The aunt of the victim girl informed about this in an interview with "Mushtum" magazine.

The woman said that this incident happened in November 2023. The fact is that 68-year-old I.B. took the girl to a place where there was no one, on his Matiz. 

"The man took my nephew to a safer place, got him out of the car and satisfied his sexual desire. This process lasted about 1-1.5 hours. Then he was dropped off in front of the store near the 49th school in Davlatobod neighborhood. My nephew did not tell his mother what happened at first. He handed my nephew 10,000 soums, and my sister saw this money and asked her daughter, "Where did you get it?" Then my nephew told me about the incident in tears," said the girl's aunt.

After that, the girl's mother applied to the Department of Internal Affairs of Davlatobod. However, the application was not investigated.

"My sister and mother took my nephew to a gynecologist. During the investigation, it turned out that it was indeed a man. But no action was taken against that man. "The application was left before the end because her sons were working in a high position or had some kind of connections with the Ministry of Internal Affairs," says the girl's aunt.

Also, in the messages distributed by several Facebook users, it is stated that this man is a former internal affairs officer, and his brothers also work in the prosecutor's office.

According to the girl's aunt, no matter where they turned, they received the answer that "he is imprisoned, he will receive his punishment".

"But we found out later that he did not receive the punishment. If he had received his punishment, he would not have done this to other girls," says the aunt.

The children's ombudsman informed QALAMPIR.UZ that this situation is currently being investigated.

We remind you of F.O.(woman), who previously lived in the New Namangan district turned to the internal affairs authorities and requested that her minor daughter, J.S., born in 2017, on March 27 of this year. I.B., (the man) who was passing by took the girl playing with her friends on the street into his car and performed lewd and lascivious acts on her.

In connection with this incident, on April 5 of this year, the investigation department of Namangan city internal affairs instituted a criminal case against I.B. under Article 129, Part 1 of the Criminal Code (indecent actions against a person under the age of sixteen).


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