What bodies does the “Conflict of Interest Law” apply to?



Alisher Karimov, the Deputy Minister of Justice, addressed the scope of the "Conflict of Interest" law during a press conference held today, June 7. This law, recently signed by the President, will take effect in six months.

"The law primarily applies to state bodies, local state authorities, state institutions, state unitary enterprises, state trust funds, as well as joint-stock companies with a state share of 50 percent or more in the charter fund," stated the Deputy Minister.

Karimov highlighted that conflicts of interest are prevalent in the field of public procurement. Consequently, a specific provision has been established: the law is fully applicable to public procurement activities of organizations where the state's share exceeds 50 percent, including those established by the aforementioned bodies.

"To illustrate the law's extensive reach, it affects 69 state bodies, 220 local state authorities, 26,400 state institutions, 503 state unitary enterprises, 23 state trust funds, and 153 organizations with a state share exceeding 50 percent. Additionally, in the realm of public procurement, the law covers over 2,000 corporate customers," Karimov explained.


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