Opponent change: Murodov set to fight Yasubey Enamoto in Germany



Uzbek MMA fighter Makhmud Muradov will enter the octagon against Yasubey Enamoto at a tournament in Germany. This was reported by the press service of the "Octagon MMA" promotion.

According to the source, Muradov was originally scheduled to face Brazilian Joelton Lutterbach at the "Octagon 68" tournament, set for March 8 this year at the "Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle" complex in Stuttgart, Germany. However, it was announced that Lutterbach sustained an injury and will be unable to participate. Consequently, Makhmud Muradov will now compete against Swiss fighter Yasubey Enamoto on the same day.

For information, Makhmud Muradov has fought 36 bouts in his career, with 27 wins and 8 losses, while one fight was canceled. Meanwhile, 41-year-old Enamoto has competed in 38 fights, recording 23 wins and 15 losses.



Mahmud Murodov MMA Oktagon MMA Oktagon 68 Yasubey Enomoto

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