“A person is not considered pious because of their clothes.” Mufti criticizes those who are overly Arabized in  Uzbekistan



The Chairman of the Office of Muslims in Uzbekistan, Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliqnazarov, expressed his opinion on the wearing of burqas by women. He stated that Islam does not prescribe a specific form of dress, and it is not even possible to do so.

"We are also going overboard when it comes to clothing. A pious person is not determined by their appearance or attire. Our sect does not require women to cover their faces. In our religion, it is recommended not to be overly extravagant in clothing and to conduct oneself with dignity. Islam is not limited to one nation or climate. From a geographical standpoint, there are Muslims in Arabia, a hot country, as well as in regions with no distinct summer or winter. If everyone were to wear the same clothing, it would be challenging for Muslims. Religion should not be a burden; it is a source of solace. Even the Prophet said, 'Allah does not judge you based on your appearance, your image, or your worldly possessions, but on your piety and your fear of Him.' Fear of God and piety cannot be measured by clothing," stated the Mufti.

Furthermore, Nuriddin Khaliqnazarov, when discussing clothing norms, emphasized that each nation has its own traditions and costumes.

"Arabs, Turks, and Muslims in Indonesia wear their own traditional clothing, just as Uzbeks do. Islam also teaches moderation in clothing. It is important to understand the concept of Hadd, avoid wearing immodest attire, and not feel obligated to adopt an Arabic style merely by wearing dark clothing. There is no requirement to cover parts of the body that do not need to be covered. Even in our Hanafi Madhhab, women are not obligated to cover their faces, nor are they mandated to wear specific attire. Wearing black, veiling one's face, and donning black gloves on one's hands are not prescribed in our tradition. If you assert this now, you might be accused of impiety. Moreover, excessive behavior by those who follow these practices can have the opposite effect," Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliqnazarov added.

Additionally, he criticized the trend of Uzbek people becoming overly Arabized.

"When Islam arrived, our ancestors embraced the religion without becoming Arabs themselves. Our nation must be preserved. Allah created us as a distinct people. One nationality cannot be transformed into another through imitation. This tradition has endured for centuries. Today, we see individuals who perform Umrah once and suddenly consider themselves Arab. A Muslim should be identified by their manners and ethics," he emphasized.

The Mufti also reminded young men that it is permissible to keep their beards trimmed.

It is worth noting that on September 5, during the latest session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the draft law "On Amendments and Additions to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was considered and approved.


Nuriddin Xoliqnazarov burqa

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