2,222 liters of diesel fuel theft was prevented in Karakalpakstan



An attempted theft of 2,222 liters of diesel fuel was thwarted in the Kungirot district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, according to a report from the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office.

The report states that Z.M., the manager of the Kungirot branch of "T.N.B." LLC, along with others, conspired to transfer 2,222 liters of diesel fuel into a fuel carrier belonging to the "K.Sh" branch without proper documentation. The diesel fuel was seized as the vehicle arrived at a gas station, and the fuel has been registered as material evidence.

A criminal case has been initiated under Article 167 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement or robbery by fraud), and investigations are ongoing.

This follows a recent incident in Tashkent where individuals were also caught illegally selling diesel fuel.


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