Train carrying passengers catches fire in Karakalpakstan (video)



A passenger train caught fire in Karakalpakstan on September 19, with Major Oybek Abdurahmonov, head of the press service for the Emergency Situations Department of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, providing details to QALAMPIR.UZ.

The incident occurred around 14:50 in the "Kulab" neighborhood area of Khujayli district, where a fire ignited in the interior lining of the locomotive on the second section of the "Mangistov-Nukus" passenger train.

"Firefighters from the Khojaly district quickly responded and extinguished the blaze. Investigations are underway to determine the cause of the fire and assess any material damage," Oybek Abdurahmonov said.

Fortunately, the eight-passenger carriages attached to the locomotive remained undamaged, and by around 15:30, passengers were able to continue their journey aboard another diesel locomotive.

There were no injuries or fatalities reported in the incident.


poezd Qoraqalpog'iston

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