Shop owner injures a child in Kashkadarya



A shop owner assaulted a 12-year-old boy in the Koson district of the Kashkadarya region, according to a report by the Children's Ombudsman.

On June 16 of this year, S.N. sent her 12-year-old son, O.A., to a store to make a purchase. The store owner, O.G., born in 1976, hit the child on the head several times, causing physical injuries. This occurred because the boy entered an area where no one was present.

Following the complaint filed by the boy's mother, O.G., a salesperson at the store, was charged with administrative responsibility under Article 52, Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Responsibility (Slight bodily injury) for hitting a minor. The case documents have been sent to the Koson district court for criminal cases.

The report also states that additional information on the case will be provided as it becomes available.

Previously, in Syrdarya, it was reported that a seller slapped a 13-year-old boy who requested a receipt with a QR code. This incident also led to a case of administrative liability against the seller. The assaulted boy later met with the Chairman of the Tax Committee, Sherzod Qudbiyev. The shopkeeper was sentenced to 15 days in prison.


Qashqadaryo bola Ma'muriy javobgarlik Koson tumani do'kon egasi

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