Citizen who do not repay his debt faces vigilant justice



On July 26th of this year in Karshi, a video showing a citizen being subjected to vigilante by a group of individuals in a Nexia-2 car without a license plate was circulated on social networks. The Regional Department of Internal Affairs responded to this incident.

An investigation was conducted by the internal affairs bodies of the city of Karshi. It was discovered that a citizen, S., residing in the "Temiryulchi" neighborhood of the city, had borrowed money from his friend, A., and failed to repay it. Consequently, in mid-June, the lender, along with two acquaintances, assaulted S. to intimidate him, recorded the incident, and distributed the video on social networks.

"Currently, pre-investigation procedures are underway regarding the situation," the report states.

It is worth noting that, earlier in the Pastdargom district of the Samarkand region, an individual took a boy who had expressed affection for his sister into his home, inflicted physical injuries on him, and cut his hair and eyebrows with scissors as a form of vigilante. The court sentenced the perpetrator to 1 year and 6 months of imprisonment under Article 105, Part 1 of the Criminal Code (Intentionally Inflicting Moderate Grievous Bodily Harm).


qarz samosud Qarshi

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