Individual was arrested after accepting $22,000 for admission to the MIA Academy
16 July 2024
6066Illegal activities concerning admissions to higher education institutions were uncovered during an operational event in various regions of Uzbekistan, as reported by the State Security Service.
In a recent operation by the State Security Service in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a Tashkent resident from the Yashnobod district, born in 1986, was arrested for accepting $22,000 from his official contacts to enroll an individual from the Orta Chirchiq district in the MIA Academy.
In another incident in the Kashkadarya region, a specialist from the Karshi University of Innovative Education promised to secure admission for three individuals into the Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology, charging $4,000 per person, totaling $12,000. He was apprehended while receiving $11,700 in a joint operation by the State Security Service and the regional offices of the General Prosecutor's Department.
During an emergency operation in the Chinaz district, carried out by the State Security Service for Tashkent region in cooperation with the prosecutor's office, a resident from Qamashi district, born in 1987, was arrested. He had demanded $10,000 for admission to Tashkent State Pedagogical University and was caught with $5,000 in advance payment as physical evidence.
Additionally, a coach from the Olmaliq city sports school for children and teenagers was detained after receiving $3,500 from an Olmaliq resident in exchange for admission to the State University of Physical Education and Sports of Uzbekistan through his influential contacts.
In a separate case, the head of the department at Urganch Specialized Art School was caught demanding $4,000 to secure admission for a Bogot district resident to the Uzbek National Institute of Music Art named after Yunus Rajabi, with the help of his contacts, and assisting in the practical exam. He was arrested upon receiving the payment.
Currently, criminal charges have been filed against all of these individuals.
It is also noteworthy that previously, another individual was arrested for accepting $2,000 to facilitate admission to the Nukus branch of the Uzbekistan State University of Physical Education and Sports. The deputy director of the Nukus branch, R.Kh., was also caught with physical evidence while receiving $2,000 to enroll S.S.