Minister of Internal Affairs, Pulat Bobojonov, was awarded



The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Pulat Razzakovich Bobojonov, has been awarded the Order of "Shon-sharaf (Honor)", 1st Degree, following a decree signed by the President.

It has been reported that, in recognition of their contributions to enhancing the combat readiness of Uzbekistan's Armed Forces, demonstrating bravery, courage, and dedication in fulfilling their duty to protect national interests, upholding the rule of law and peace, strengthening stability and public order, training highly qualified personnel, and fostering a love for the Motherland among the younger generation, a group of industry representatives have been honored with titles, orders, and medals for their years of effective service in educating others in the spirit of loyalty and active participation in public life.

Along with the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Bakhtiyor Jahongirovich Islamov, and the Chairman of the Customs Committee under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Akmalkhuja Yusupovich Mavlonov, are among the awardees. Both have been awarded the "Do'stlik (Friendship)" Order.

For your information, Pulat Bobojonov has served as the Minister of Internal Affairs since 2017. Before this, he held various positions, including Governor of the Khorezm region, Prosecutor of the Bukhara and Jizzakh regions, Head of the Department of Combating Tax and Currency Crimes of the Prosecutor General's Office, and Deputy Prosecutor General of Uzbekistan.

Bakhtiyor Islamov has been the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan since 2022. Before his current position, he served as an Adviser to the President of Uzbekistan on issues related to coordinating the activities of law enforcement and control bodies.

The honored industry representatives are listed below:

Awarded the honorary title of "O'zbekistonda ximat ko'rsatgan quruvchi (Honored Builder of the Republic of Uzbekistan)":

Bakhtiyor Muminovich Mansurov - Soldier of the Border Troops of the State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Awarded the Order of "Shon-sharaf (Honor)," 1st Degree:

Pulat Razzakovich Bobojonov - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Awarded the Order of "Mardlik (Courage)":

Murodilla Saydullaevich Alikariev - Deputy Head of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent City for maintaining public order.
Mirsharof Nuralievich Khushbakov - Soldier of the Border Troops of the State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Ismoil Makhamadzakirovich Sharipov - Head of the Republican Rescue Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Awarded the Order of "Do'stlik (Friendship)":

Bakhtiyor Jahongirovich Islamov - Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Mikhail Aleksandrovich Lim - Inspector of important assignments of the Department of Military Mobilization of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Akmalkhuja Yusupovich Mavlonov - Chairman of the Customs Committee under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Awarded the "Jasorat (Courage)" Medal:

Marat Tolipjonovich Alimbaev - Senior Guide-Rescuer of the Republican Rescue Center, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Sherzod Rakhmatullaevich Alimov - Chief Rescuer of the Republican Rescue Center, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Yodgorbek Omatjonovich Atanaev - Assistant Chief Sergeant of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Jamoliddin Tokhirjonovich Zikirov - Deputy Commander of the detachment of the General Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Tashkent region.

Husniddin Tulanbaevich Mirzamatov - Senior Guide of the Ministry of Defense's Center of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Khurshid Toshmurotovich Muminov - Deputy Head of the Surkhandarya Regional Office of the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Iskandar Mukhidinovich Nurbaev - Specialist of the military unit of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Elbek Uktamovich Primov (posthumously) - Senior Inspector of the Road Patrol Service of the Internal Affairs Department of Kokdala District of Kashkadarya Region.
Ruslan Karimovich Toirov - Chief Specialist of the Special Detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Decontamination of Objects with a Risk of Explosion in the Samarkand Region.
Turdibekova Sitora Shavkat kizi - Instructor-Athlete of the Sports Department of the Center for the Development of Higher Sports Results of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Khabibullaev Hamidullo Hikmatillo ugli - Soldier of the Border Troops of the State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Shonusratov Khasan Shotuygunovich - Squad Commander of the Republican Rescue Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Awarded the "Sodiq xizmatlari uchun (For Loyal Services)" Medal:

Abdimutal Abdikarimovich Abdigapirov - professor of the Department of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abdullaev Iskandar Abdulbokievich - Head of the Department of the Customs Department of Andijan Region.
Yakhyo Abduganievich Abdurahmonov - Prosecutor of Yunusabad District.
Parakhat Aytniyazov - Chairman of the Constitutional Control Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Alexey Sergeevich Goncharov - Junior Inspector-Cynologist of the Canine Division of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent City.
Abdumannob Abdullajonovich Gofurov - Specialist of the Military Unit of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Eldor Istamovich Gulomov - Battalion Commander of the Department of Security at Transport and Tourism Facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Anvarjon Khudoyberdievich Dushaev - Prevention Inspector of the Internal Affairs Department of Khavos District of Syrdarya Region.
Ismatjon Nigmatjonovich Ibragimov - Head of the Department of Coordination of Internal Affairs Bodies for Samarkand City.
Nu'mon Usmonovich Mukhammadiev - Head of the Justice Department of Tashkent City.
Jumabay Jurabaevich Nasirov - Chief Specialist of the "Glory" Museum Department of the "Victory Garden" Memorial Complex under the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Nezametdinova Dildora Abdumalikovna - Senior Inspector of the Border Customs Post "Gishtkoprik" of the Tashkent Region Customs Department.
Norkabilov Khudoyberdi Rabbimovich - Prosecutor of Navoi City.
Parpieva Gulnora Akhatovna - Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Rahimov Nodirbek Muyidinovich - Head of the Internal Affairs Department of Kamashi District of Kashkadarya Region.
Rustamov Jasurbek Ilkhomovich - Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs Department of Gijduvan District of Bukhara Region - Head of the Investigation Department.
Fozilov Jahongirjon Tulkinovich - Head of the Fergana Region Prosecutor's Office.
Khudoykulov Zokir Normurodovich - Chairman of the Tashkent Interdistrict Economic Court of Tashkent City.
Ergashev Ilkhom Abdumutalifovich - Head of the Public Order Department of the Internal Affairs Department of Fergana Region.
Eshanjanov Saydullakhon Nizomovich - Commander of the Patrol-Post Service Detachment of the Internal Affairs Department of Davlatabad District of Namangan Region.
Yusupov Sa'dullo Nasrullevich - Senior Prosecutor of the Samarkand Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Awarded the "Sog'lom turmush (Healthy Life)" Medal:

Yusupov Umarbek Khudayberganovich - Head of the Medical Department of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Awarded the "Shuhrat (Fame)" Medal:

Azamkhujaev Iskandar Yalkinovich - First Deputy Head of the Specialized Customs Complex "Tashkent-AERO" of the Customs Committee under the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Davidova Regina Levonovna - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Karimov Golib Tolibaevich - Chief Preventive Inspector of the Internal Affairs Department of Sharof Rashidov District of Jizzakh Region.
Kadirov Sirojiddin Nadirkhanovich - Division Commander of the Patrol-Post Service Detachment of the Department of Internal Affairs of Surkhandarya Region.
Kurbanov Kuvondik Karimovich - Senior Operational Representative of the Internal Affairs Department of Tuprokkal'a District of Khorezm Region.
Mamatov Gayratjon Tukhtamurodovich - Specialist of the Military Unit of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Makhmudov Alisher Abdusalimovich - Head of the Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Ruzimurodov Vokhidjon Asatullaevich - Deputy Head of the Internal Affairs Department of Navbahor District of Navoi Region - Head of the Public Security Service.
Uskenbaev Timur Aristanbekovich - Senior Master-Rescuer of the Detachment of the Republican Rescue Center, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Khusanov Yusubjon Tukhtasinovich - Senior Officer of the Security Department, National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Husenov Jaloliddin Farkhodovich - Judge of the Administrative Court of the Bukhara Region.
Chulliev Jobir Avliyokulovich - Commander of the Military Unit, National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Khurshid Toshpulatovich Sherbekov - Senior Officer of the Security Department, National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Ergasheva Barno Shokirjanovna - State Bailiff, Office of Compulsory Enforcement under the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Okkurgan District Branch, Tashkent Region.
Yusupov Ulugbek Mirtolibovich - Director of the "Ozarkhiv" Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Po'lat Bobojonov Baxtiyor Islomov

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