Donkeys are not included in the list of “animals for consumption” - parliament responds



Earlier, at a session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, the draft law "On the Identification, Registration, and Monitoring of Animals" was considered and adopted in the first reading. It was initially reported that donkeys were listed among animals for consumption, which turned out to be a misunderstanding caused by an editorial error in the press release. This clarification was made by the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, Odiljon Tojiyev.

He stated that the draft law does not classify donkey meat as a product for human consumption.

"In general, this law is not about 'meat consumption,' but rather it regulates the identification, registration, and monitoring of animals. The misunderstanding arose due to an editorial mistake in the press release," explained Odiljon Tojiyev.

It was noted that this draft law was developed by the Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Committee under the Ministry of Agriculture and submitted to the Legislative Chamber by its initiators on August 5 of this year.

According to the draft law, domestic animals (including cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys, camels, dogs, and cats) kept or bred by individuals and legal entities are required to be identified with either visual or electronic tags or electronic microchips.

During the committee discussions in the Legislative Chamber, as well as in political party factions and plenary sessions, some deputies raised objections regarding the inclusion of donkeys, dogs, and cats in the identification process. If these objections are accepted by the law's initiators, the proposed amendments will be made during the preparation for the second reading.


go'sht Eshak

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