E-Election: processes between CEC and Mass Media were simplified



Today, on September 13, at the initiative of the Central Election Commission (CEC), seminars and training sessions were organized on the topic: "Specific aspects of the organization of elections according to the updated electoral law and issues of participation of mass media representatives." Around 100 representatives from various mass media outlets operating in the republic participated.

The purpose of the educational and practical training was to explain the important aspects of the updated electoral law to media representatives involved in covering the election process, as well as to introduce them to the principles of using the "E-Saylov" information system, which was developed to digitize the election process and implement changes to the voting system.

Bahrom Kochkarov, Deputy Chairman of the CEC, who opened the training session, explained the unique aspects of organizing elections under the updated election legislation, demonstrating practical skills using a simulated polling station. He also provided detailed information about the pre-election campaign procedures for candidates, as well as the rights and responsibilities of media representatives.

"It is necessary to form an informed opinion among voters. Of course, the role of the media in shaping this opinion is crucial. Voters must have the freedom to make an informed choice, not only through political party campaigns but also via the media. They should be well-informed not just about voting itself, but also about the concept of elections, the election process, the rights of voters and candidates," Bahrom Kochkarov concluded in his speech.

These topics were further discussed during the seminar, followed by a Q&A session.

In the afternoon, information and key recommendations were provided regarding the capabilities and usage of the newly introduced "E-Saylov" information system, which is being used for the first time in Uzbekistan’s election process.

As noted, the "E-Saylov" information system was developed to enable the complete digitization of interactions between participants in the election process, reducing bureaucracy, saving time, streamlining document handling, preventing conflicts of interest, and ensuring greater transparency of election-related information.

Almost 60 types of election-related processes have been fully digitized through the "E-Saylov" system. One of these processes is the accreditation of media representatives.

It is worth mentioning that, for the first time, media representative accreditation for elections will be handled electronically. The possibilities for accreditation via the "E-Saylov" system were explained in detail to media representatives during an online session.

The accreditation process through the "E-Saylov" system has been significantly simplified to promote more transparent elections and facilitate media participation. It was highlighted during the seminar that the following three documents are no longer required when applying for accreditation:

- A copy of the employee’s identity document;
- A copy of the media outlet’s state registration certificate;
- An electronic photograph of the employee.

After the CEC’s decision to accredit a media representative, their credentials will be electronically generated through the system.

Additionally, another important feature of the "E-Saylov" system was introduced during the seminar: the automatic sending of SMS notifications to media representatives with essential election information during the campaign period.

During the debate-format seminar-training, media representatives received comprehensive answers to all of their questions from CEC experts.

The seminar’s organizers also provided a practical demonstration of upcoming changes to the voting process. For instance, the ballot papers will now come in four different colors, simplifying the vote-counting process. Whereas previously, there was no supervisor in front of the ballot box, this year, a designated individual will oversee the ballot box during the voting process.

It was reported that on September 4 of this year, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev made amendments and additions to several legal documents. One of the changes includes imposing penalties for multiple ballot submissions.

In particular, according to an amendment to the Code of Administrative Responsibility, it was mentioned that there will be accountability for any election commission or referendum commission member who issues an election (voting) ballot to a citizen multiple times or on behalf of other individuals


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