Debate-2024: thoughtful answers to pressing questions



With only six days remaining until the start of Uzbekistan's parliamentary elections, the political atmosphere is heating up. The inter-party competition is becoming more intense as election day approaches. On October 19, the televised debate featuring Uzbekistan’s political parties captured the attention of many viewers. The debate allowed party representatives to showcase the key issues in their platforms, while the fierce exchanges added a dramatic tone to the political landscape, expanding voter options.

The most notable moment of the debate was the question-and-answer segment between party representatives. A particularly intense exchange occurred between the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan (UzLiDeP) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP). The UzLiDeP representative challenged the PDP's proposal for a differentiated tax system, which would impose higher taxes on high-income citizens. The UzLiDeP representative argued that this approach could infringe on property rights and stifle entrepreneurship in the country.

In response, the PDP representative provided a well-reasoned defense of the party’s proposal. He clarified that the differentiated tax system would not restrict property rights but rather establish a fairer tax structure aimed at promoting social stability. The PDP pointed out that many countries with similar systems use tax revenues to fund social protection programs, and that their proposal could contribute to the country’s overall development.

Throughout the debate, party representatives addressed a range of pressing issues that resonate with voters—such as the tax burden, housing shortages, environmental challenges, traffic congestion, and the need to improve conditions for migrants. These heated exchanges allowed parties to clarify their positions in open dialogue, bringing greater transparency to their initiatives and distinguishing themselves in the eyes of voters.

If we take a closer look, taxes have been an essential pillar of statehood throughout history. Since the formation of states, taxation has been an obligatory practice, and the idea of a fair tax system has always been a topic of intellectual and governmental debate. Striking a balance between the interests of taxpayers and the state remains a complex issue, as reflected in the words of the great Amir Timur, who said, "Taxes are the economic support of the state" in his "Timur's Laws."

In conclusion, the robust discussions and debates on Uzbekistan’s television are crucial for fostering political stability. By focusing on the critical issues that affect everyday life, the parties not only clarify their platforms but also contribute to a richer, more informed political process.


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