Electricity will be cut off in three districts of Tashkent today
26 April 2023
9381On 26 April, some residential houses and small businesses located in the Yakkasaroy, Yashnabad and Yunusabad districts of Tashkent experienced a temporary electricity outage. According to the press service of the Tashkent city branch of the joint-stock company "Regional electricity networks," the power cut began at 09:00 a.m. and lasted until 18:00 p.m.
The list of blackout areas can be seen below:
Yunusabad district – on Usta Shirin, F.Kamal, S.Abdulla, Jalilov, Kislovodsky, and Iftikhor streets;
Yashnabad District – Fidokor, Ibrat, Iftokhor, Avezov, Murabbi, Yangihayat, Darkhan, Ilgor, Tolariq, Khanariq, Pungan, Chinor, Donishmand, Abay, Yangi Iqbal, Serikbaev, Abadiyat, Tuzel, M. Avezov, Gozal, Temir Yol, Jarboshi streets;
Yakkasaroy district – Yakkasaroy, Yakkasaroy 1-, 2-, 3-tor and Spitamen streets of “Yakkasaroy” neighborhood, Yaqut, Khazinabog’, Sirojiddinova streets of “Mukimi” neighborhood, as well as Khumo, Damarik 2-tor and Ari of “A. Qahhor” neighborhood. The electricity was temporarily turned off in residential apartments on 5-tor streets of Cairo.