UN Secretary general visits Yuqori Chirchiq district



United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who is in Uzbekistan on an official visit at the invitation of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, today, July 1, visited the 200-megawatt ACWA Power Riverside Solar photoelectric plant in the Yuqori Chirchiq district of the Tashkent region, UzA reported.

It is noted that a presentation was made to the Secretary-General about the strategy for the development of green energy in Uzbekistan until 2030, and the program for creating capacities in the field of alternative energy production. Guterres stated that there is huge potential for the development of solar and wind energy in the country.

For information, a project with a capacity of 200 megawatts worth $400 million was implemented in the Tashkent region by the Saudi Arabian company ACWA Power. 460 hectares of land have been allocated for this purpose. Currently, 150 megawatts of electricity are produced. Additionally, a 500-megawatt electricity storage system will be commissioned later in the Parkent district.

We remind you that earlier it was reported that the Secretary-General of the UN has arrived in Uzbekistan.


BMT Antoniu Guterrish

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