Beshariq becomes a transit area for 500,000 residents of Tajikistan - Mirziyoyev



During his visit to the Fergana region, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with the leadership of Karakalpakstan, governors of all regions and districts in the city of Kokan. At the meeting, the head of state spoke about the potential opportunities that can be utilized in the Beshariq district of the Fergana region.

The President noted that once the work on the bridge connecting Besharik with the Sogd region of Tajikistan is completed (70 percent of the construction work has been finished), the travel time will be reduced by 5 times, and consequently, Besharik will become a transit area for 500,000 residents of Tajikistan.

This presents a great opportunity to develop service, trade, tourist, and medical tourism facilities worth at least 40 million dollars in Besharik. Additionally, 60 projects worth 8 million dollars have been proposed to generate income for at least 500 residents by establishing trade and service facilities along the highway passing through the district.

Entrepreneurs have offered to invest 10 million dollars to build ecotourism centers and start hunting tourism in Sarikamish Lake within the district. It is noted that it is possible to attract 50,000 tourists to the lake area every year and earn an additional 5 million dollars from tourism services.

Based on former mineral fertilizer storage warehouses located in 6 districts of the region, entrepreneurs expressed an initiative to start fruit and vegetable storage and processing by investing 21 million dollars.

Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlighted that the Fergana region has fallen to 12th place in the country in terms of industrial production. Additionally, the President criticized the unsatisfactory performance of some districts and cities in the Fergana region regarding the attraction of foreign direct investment.


Tojikiston Farg'ona Mirziyoev Beshariq

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