Bank branch manager was appointed mayor of Mirzaabad



Orif Rahmonkulov has been appointed as the governor of the Mirzaabad district in the Sirdarya region, according to the press service of the district administration.

Today, on August 27, an extraordinary session of the Mirzaabad District Council of People's Deputies was held, during which a new governor was appointed. Deputies approved the regional governor Akmaljon Mahmudaliev’s proposal to relieve the former governor of Mirzaabad district, Sarvar Sultanov, from his post.

The head of the region introduced Orif Khudoyberdiyevich Rahmonkulov as the recommended candidate for the post of district governor. The deputies unanimously approved the decision to appoint Orif Rahmonkulov as the governor of Mirzaabad district.

Orif Rahmonkulov was born in 1983 in the Bakhmal district of the Jizzakh region. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in 2010 and a master's degree in 2012 from the Tashkent Institute of Finance, specializing in accounting and auditing.

Throughout his career, Rahmonkulov has held various positions in the banking sector. Before this appointment, he served as a branch manager of the joint-stock commercial bank "Ipoteka-bank" in the Syrdarya region.

It is worth noting that on July 17, during a video conference chaired by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov's proposal to dismiss the previous mayor of Mirzaabad district, Sarvar Sultanov, was supported. This meeting focused on the work carried out in the first half of the year and future tasks to ensure economic growth. Following this, several new governors were appointed to districts with vacant mayoral positions. Specifically, on August 7, new mayors were appointed to Furqat, Tashkent, Mingbulok, Karaozak, Takhiatosh, and Yangiarik districts, as well as the city of Gazgon. On August 8, a governor was appointed to the Gurlan district, and today, on August 27, to the Uchkuduk district.


Sirdaryo Mirzaobod Orif Rahmonqulov

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