In Andijan, the assistant of a governor is apprehended with a bribe



The assistant of the governor of the Jalakuduk district in the Andijan region was apprehended with a bribe, as reported by the Department for Combating Economic Crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office.

According to the report, a swift operation was carried out in the Andijan region by the regional Prosecutor's Office, in collaboration with the State Security Service and the Internal Affairs Department. During this operation, it was discovered that the assistant governor of the Jalakuduk district, identified as D.I., exploited his position as the person responsible for controlling the district coal warehouse. In return for allocating 38.1 tons of coal at a preferential price to 44 households in the area, D.I. demanded $600 from M.A., an activist from the "U.K." neighborhood.

Subsequently, the illicit process continued, and D.I. was apprehended with physical evidence of the bribe – 7 million soums – when he accepted the money in his Nexia-2 car in the vicinity of the coal warehouse. It is specified that a criminal case has been initiated under Article 210 of the Criminal Code (bribery), and investigations are currently underway.

It is worth noting that a previous incident revealed that the assistant governor of the Kumkurgan district in the Surkhandarya region had taken a 132 million soums credit and utilized it for undisclosed purposes.


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