Allamjonov proposed that the punishment for pedophiles should be castration
01 April 2023
14212It’s time to apply the punishment of castration to pedophiles in Uzbekistan. Komil Allamjonov, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, wrote about this on his social network page.
“It’s time to amend the legislation regarding the use of chemical castration against pedophiles,” says Komil Allamjonov.
He said that such a punishment for pedophiles is imposed in the neighboring countries of Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Israel, South Korea, France, USA and many other countries.
“In China, Latin American countries, Saudi Arabia and Iran, they would be killed.” says Allamjonov.
It should be recalled that on 28 February this year, the chairman of the national movement “Yuksalish” – deputy Bobur Bekmurodov, at the meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, “In connection with the further improvement of the system of reliable protection of the rights, freedoms and legal interests of women and children in Uzbekistan." During the discussion of the bill “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislations of the Republic”, he proposed that pedophiles should be killed, their names be published on the list and ensure that they live away from schools. Unfortunately, other legislators did not accept his proposal.
In Kyrgyzstan, deputies proposed holding a referendum on the death penalty for pedophiles.
For reference, castration refers to the removal of the genitals of animals and humans.