Floods may occur in 9 regions



Due to heavy rains expected on May 16-22, floods may occur in mountainous and mountainous regions of Uzbekistan,as reported by the "Uzgidromet".

Wind speed is expected to increase to 15-20 m/s in some places of the republic, dust and dust may be observed.

Flood events are expected to occur in the following areas:

  • Kashkadarya region: in Yakkabog, Dehqonobod, Chiroqchi, Kokdala, Kitob, Shahrisabz, Qamashi, Guzor districts;
  • Surkhandarya region: in Sariosia, Uzun, Oltinsoy, Denov, Boysun, Sherobod, Shorchi, Qumqorgon, Muzrobod districts;
  • Samarkand region: in Urgut, Samarkand, Bulungur, Nurobod, Qoshrobot, Kattaqorgon, Payariq, Jomboy, Ishtikhon districts;
  • Navoi region: Khatirchi, Navbahor, Nurota, Konimekh, Karmana districts;
  • Jizzakh region: in Zomin, Bakhmal, Gallaorol, Sharof Rashidov, Forish, Yangiobod districts;
  • Tashkent region: in Ohangaron, Bostonliq, Parkent, Piskent, Orta Chirchiq, Yuqori Chirchiq districts and Angren, Olmaliq cities;
  • Namangan region: in Pop, Kosonsoy, Chortoq, Chust, Namangan, Yangiqorgon districts;
  • Fergana region: Sokh, Shohimardon, Fergana, Beshariq districts;
  • Andijan region: Andijan, Asaka, Jalaquduq, Qorgontepa, Pakhtaobod, Izboskan, Khojaobod, Marhamat districts and the city of Khonobod.

Citizens living in mountainous and mountainous areas, vacationers and drivers moving in mountainous areas were asked to take precautionary measures. There is a possibility of accumulation of rainwater on the territory of the republic, which may cause flooding of the areas.


sel-suv toshqini

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