What changes in Uzbekistan from November 1?
26 October 2023
71520Various decisions and orders will come into force in Uzbekistan from November 1 of this year, including:
A Psychological Support System Will Be Introduced:
District (city) "Inson" social service centers are introducing a system for providing psychological support to individuals in difficult life situations.
Personnel Documents of State Bodies Are Stored on a Special Platform
All information and documents related to human resources management in republican and local executive authorities are formed and recorded on the electronic platform hrm.argos.uz.
A Program to Introduce Broadband Internet to Homes Will Be Launched:
Based on the "Last Mile" principle, a program aimed at providing the population with broadband Internet is being launched in cooperation with business entities.
Urban Planning Courses Are Organized for Mayors:
The Ministry of Construction organizes training sessions aimed at increasing the knowledge of the heads of local governments and regional organizations in the field of urban planning.
Increase in the Rates of Issuing Car Plates:
A fee of 3.5 times the base calculation amount is set for vehicle registration number plates. This amount is 2 times more than the previous amount. Additionally, a fee of 1.75 times the base calculation amount is paid for registration number plates for motor vehicles, scooters, and trailers.
New Requirements Have Been Introduced for Umrah Pilgrimage Organizers:
The following additional license requirements and conditions for the provision of Umrah services are being introduced:
- Reserves not less than 100,000 US dollars to the Safe Tourism Fund of the Tourism Committee.
- During Umrah services, specialists with religious knowledge and skills are appointed to lead the group of pilgrims based on the contract concluded with the Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan.
- Providing Umrah services to minors is prohibited.
- Umrah services must be performed in accordance with the contract signed between the partner organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Amount of Microcredit Given to the Population Can Be Doubled:
According to it, the amount of microcredit allocated to the population in Article 5 of this law will be changed from 50 million soums to 100 million soums. Ensuring the implementation of this decision is entrusted to the Central Bank and other interested organizations.
The Draft Document Is Open for Discussion on the regulation.gov.uz Portal Until October 31. Every citizen can vote in this process. If this Law passes the discussion, it will enter into force from the date of its official announcement.
Cameras on the Territory of the Airport Will Also Impose Fines:
The system for imposing fines on those who do not comply with the rules established on the airport's premises will start working automatically from November 1 of this year. Until that time, compliance with traffic rules and regulation of traffic on the overpass was carried out by airport employees. Up to 30 cars can be on the airport flyover at the same time. Taking into account tourist buses, this number decreases to 17. Drivers planning a long stay are advised to use the parking lots in front of the departure terminal.
From November 1, Those Who Used Electricity More Than the Limit Will Pay 2-3 or 4 Times the Fee:
Starting from November 1, to consumers of the III group whose electricity capacity exceeds the average monthly consumption:
- 2 times compared to the established tariff for consumption from 1,001 to 5,000 kWh.
- 3 times compared to the established tariff for consumption from 5,001 to 10,000 kWh.
- For consumption above 10,000 kWh, a 4-fold increasing factor is applied to the established tariff.
The Type of Punishment Will Be Aggravated for Those Who Commit Environmental Crimes:
From November 1, 2023, a mechanism for suspending financing, lending, and other financial operations will be introduced for objects that have not received a positive environmental expert opinion. In addition, in addition to compensation for damage to those who committed environmental violations, the obligation to restore the damaged natural object and ensure its protection for a certain period of time is imposed.