Compensation of 436.6 million soums was collected from city administration for a businessman
07 August 2024
3304In the Andijan region, 436.6 million soums of compensation were collected from the city administration in favor of an entrepreneur. Farrukh Toshpulatov, press secretary of the Enforcement Bureau, informed QALAMPIR.UZ about this.
It is known that although a certain part of the land area belonging to Textile Products Producer LLC was taken for the needs of the state and society, compensation was not provided on time. For this reason, the businessman appealed to the court.
According to the executive document of the Boston Inter-District Economic Court, compensation in the amount of 436.6 million soums has been determined in favor of the plaintiff from the responsible Andijan City Administration.
To ensure the execution of the court document, the Andijan City Department of the Compulsory Enforcement Bureau conducted enforcement actions accordingly, and as a result, compensation in the amount of 436.6 million soums was collected from the city administration in favor of the entrepreneur.
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