Deputy mayor and employees of DIA were caught for taking bribes



Officials in the Syrdarya, Kashkadarya, and Tashkent regions, as well as in Tashkent city, have been apprehended for accepting bribes, according to a report by the State Security Service.

The deputy governor of Khavos district in the Syrdarya region exploited his position to demand $20,000 in exchange for not reclaiming land from an LLC engaged in agricultural production and export. Instead, he promised to facilitate irrigation work and ensure no interference with the company's operations. He was caught by the State Security Service and the prosecutor's office while receiving the money.

In another incident, the head of the department and an engineer from the Tashkent regional branch of JSC "Territorial Electric Grids" conspired to demand a $39,000 bribe. This was in return for connecting a confectionery production enterprise in the Qibray district to a 3-phase power grid, installing a transformer, and assisting with other technical documents. The engineer was apprehended by the State Security Service while accepting $30,000 of the requested funds.

A senior officer from the criminal investigation department of Karshi district’s DIA in Kashkadarya region used his position to avoid initiating a criminal case against an individual entrepreneur, as per paragraph 2 of Article 83 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. He demanded a bribe and had already received $400 from this amount. He was caught by the State Security Service while receiving an additional $400.

Additionally, during an operation by the State Security Service and the General Prosecutor's Office in Tashkent city, a prevention inspector from the internal affairs department of DIA No. 2 in Sergeli district was caught accepting a $5,000 bribe. He had promised to classify the situation as an administrative offense rather than initiating a criminal case against a local citizen involved in a quarrel that resulted in bodily injury to a foreigner.

Criminal cases have been initiated for all the incidents, and the individuals involved have been subjected to preventive detention.






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